The 30 Before 30 List (TAG)

The picture says it all. I am blessed beyond measure to be granted another year of life. Since this is normally a time to reflect on ones achievements up til now, I decided to reflect on what I want out of life. Time to spice things up and push myself to my limits. That is why I created this list of 30 things I want to accomplish by the time I turn 30 years old.  While you are reading be mindful that this is not your ordinary 30 before 30 list. This list is tailored to my personality, and my personal and professional goals. Some of these items are well within reach, other are a stretch, while some are far fetched because it occurs every so often. So here I go off to add exciting chapters in my book of life. Remember, "One day, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching."

By the way: This is a TAG, meaning the people mentioned  at the end of this post are encouraged to make their own 30 Before 30 list and share it.

  1. Attend a NFL game (No particular team)

  2. Visit New Orleans: During Mardi Gras or Essence Festival

  3. Attend the Olympic Games (Can't do 2016 in Rio so 2018 in Pyeongchang it is)

  4. Travel to one or all: Egypt, South Africa, Mozambique

  5. Backpack across Greece & Italy

  6. Buy a car

  7. Conceal and Carry Class (Or just shoot a gun)

  8. Create "The Natural Travelista" Tshirt

  9. Receive a Fulbright Fellowship

  10. Drive a motorcycle

  11. Go snowboarding (It was skiing but that counts right?)

  12. HBCUs Abroad Tour

  13. Join an intramural volleyball team

  14. Learn to bartend

  15. Make a Tshirt quilt (attempt no. 2)

  16. Make "The Natural Travelista" a Registered Trademark

  17. Earn a Master's Degree

  18. Own a pet dog

  19. Participate in a Color Run

  20. Perform in a play (preferable on Broadway)

  21. Model for a Photo Shoot

  22. Donate Some Time

  23. Ride a jetski

  24. Ride in a hot air balloon

  25. Scuba Dive (Session or Certification)

  26. Attend the Tau Beta Sigma National Convention

  27. Travel to South America

  28. Update my wardrobe (Olivia Pope status)

  29. Visit all 50 States (less than 15 away)

  30. Zumba Certification

- The Natural Travelista

Tag! You're it:Pejsa, Jessica, Caprice, LaKecia, Porsha, Tiara, Roslyn, Scotte, EmmoLei, Kim, Torri, Chantell, Megan, Quamisha, Ricardo, Nette, Olivia, Tiffany Kerns, Amanda Carrington, Megan Verros, Eboni Hooper, Essence Peasant

Ricardo’s 30 before 30 List

1. Get my M Class License

2. Go to South America

3. Get a Masters

4. Own a dog

5. Attend the La Feria Festival in Spain

6. Lean to surf

7. Complete a race 5k, 10k, etc

8. Attend Theta Chi Alumni Weekend

9. Attend Subiendo

10. Attend Celebracion as an Alumni

11. Volunteer Recruit for NHI

12. Go Fishing

13. Go to 50% of all the states

14. Go to Guanajuato

15. Read all the Harry Potter Books

16. Pay off my student loans

17. Go to a Peace Corps Recruitment event

18. Hang-glide

19. Restart Martial Arts

20. Buy a motorized vehicle

21. Learn a new language

22. Attend Carnival in Brazil

23. Take PMP exam

24. Go to franklin’s BBQ

25. Visit 6 continents

26. Brew Beer

27.Go Skiing

28. Learn a new trade

29. Go to Country Thunder

30. Attend SXSW

Megan's 30 before 30 

1. Visit Korea 2. Raft the underground river on Palawan Island, Philippines 3. Hike through the rice terraces in Baguio, Philippines 4. Swim with whale sharks in Sorsogon, Philippines 5. Go Caving 6. Visit Japan 7. Visit Hong Kong 8. Become a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer 9. Complete a Temple Stay in Cambodia 10. Hike Base Camp Trail up to Mt. Everest 11. Ride an Elephant 12. Do a yoga retreat in India 13. Be a full hearted, happy as can be, Vegan 14. Get back on my snowboard 15. Hike a 14-er in Colorado 16. Learn to Fly Fish 17. Live in a new US City 18. Volunteer in Africa 19. Start my Master’s Degree 20. Start a Career 21. Have a Fort Collins reunion with all of my college crew 22. Learn Spanish 23. Keep practicing the art of brewing craft beer 24. Learn to play guitar 25. Go bungee jumping 26. Really get into sailing with my dad 27. Read 150 books 28. Write a book 29. Have a place of my own 30. Go to Alaska

Caprice's 30 before 301.Fly a plane 2.Go skydiving 3.Learn another language 4.Visit at least half of the United States 5.Get out of the country 6.Ride a motorcycle 7. Go to Rio during Carnival 8. Create my blazer line 9. Live in another state 10. Snowboarding 11. Backpack across Greece with Vonni 12. Help (volunteer) build a house 13. Go to Jamaica 14. Put on my own fashion show 15. Get a degree 16. Take a cooking class 17. Be proficient in yoga 18. Make an outdoor fort 19. Pay off my car 20. Start a time capsule quilt (stole this idea from you) 21. Ride a Ferris Wheel 22. Ride an ATV 23. Scuba dive 24. Put togeather a flash mob 25. Go white water rafting 26. Food road trip 27. Teach a class 28. Learn to play the Saxaphone 29. Swim with dolphins 30. Do at least 1/3 of the things on my list with someone else

Olivia's 30 Before 30

1. Travel to Cameroon

2. Learn to Swim

3. Dive off a cliff in a foreign country

4. Complete a 5K, 10K, etc

5. Take a Cruise

6. Attend a Carnival in Jamaica or Trinidad

7. Graduate with my Masters at GW

8. Obtain licensure for professional counseling

9. Move outside of the DC/MD/VA area

10. Obtain a Doctorate in Counseling Education

11. Become a professor of Counseling Education

12. Travel back to Paris and Turin

13. Travel to Rome and Venice

14.Travel to Germany

15. Travel to all of the other continents

16. Publish a Children’s Book

17. Publish a Family Book

18. Publish a Poetry Book

19. See the Killers in concert

20. See the Lumineers in concert

21. See Jay-Z in concert

22. See Coldplay in concert

23. See Florence and the Machine in concert

24. Attend Coachella

25. Attend the Firefly Festival

26. Learn to Waltz, Salsa and be a Burlesque dancer for a night

27. Learn to play the piano

28. Have a room dedicated to only art for painting and whatever I want

29. Create a huge garden filled with flowers, veggies and fruits

30. See every Oldenburg sculpture


30 Before 30

1. Become a touring artist

2. Collaborate and create with my favorite artists

3. Own real estate

4. Get Bèl Son Ko. running as a fully functional music/sound boutique & studio

5. Release 3 more albums

6. Performing regularly overseas

7. Solo exhibitions at major art galleries

8. Strengthen investment portfolio

9. Complete my documentary

10. Perform at SXSW, Coachella, & other major festivals

11. Produce my sister's debut album

12. Retire my parents

13. Buy a Tesla

14. Visit China

15. Consistently doing crossfit

16. Donate 10,000 to Theta Phi chapter of TBS

17. Donate 10, 000 to Tau Beta Sigma

18. Donate 5,000 to Westlake High School Marching Lions

19. Speak at a TED convention

20. Become a MacArthur Fellow

21. Win Grammys

22. Win Oscars

23. Start a scholarship fund for creatives

24. Visit Africa

25. Visit Europe

26. Visit Caribbean

27. Visit East Indies

28. Visit Australia

29. Own a mobile studio bus

30. Establish trust fund for future children

Tiffany's 30 Before 30

1. Go to France

2. Have a Career

3. Start a Band

4. Have a Brand (artistically)

5. Release a Single

6. Participate in a Marathon

7. See Jill Scott, Lianne LaHavas, Esperanza Spalding, and Snarky Puppy in concert.

8. Take a Music Course in Africa.

9. Get Married.

10. Go Scuba Diving along the Coral Reef.

11. Go to Brazil during Carnival.

12. Design a Dress.

13. Go Cliff Diving.

14. Learn 3 new instruments.

15. Go paint balling.

16. Master Archery (it's weird, but I'm good at it lol)

17. Attend a tennis match between Venus and Serena Williams.

18. Ride a Dirt Bike.

19. Throw a Surprise Party.

20. Go to Vegas with the girls.

21. Attend a Cirque du Soleil performance.

22. Attend a Yoga Class.

23. Become a contestant on a Game Show.

24. Win the Lottery.

25. Ride on a yacht.

26. Create a commercial jingle.

27. Have an aquarium with exotic fish.

28. Own a house.

29. Go to a vineyard.

30. Own a luxury car.

Rachel's 30 Before 30

1. Visit Rice Terraces in Philippines 2. Visit Thailand 3. Visit elephant sanctuary 4. Learn musical instrument (or at least one song) 5. Learn a language 6. See the Chocolate Hills (Philippines) 7. Finish Peace Corps service 8. Take the Trans Siberian railroad from Beijing to Moscow 9. See St. Basil’s Cathedral in Russia 10. Visit Prague 11. Visit Germany 12. Hike in the Alps 13. Get a job after PC 14. Move for said job 15. Buy a car to get to job 16. Update wardrobe after PC (for new job) 17. Clean out and organize all belongings. “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to beuseful, or believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris 18. Build some simple furniture to replace items I got rid of before Peace Corps 19. Write a book 20. Learn to sail 21. Take a cross country road trip with sisters 22. Take an art class 23. Have a small garden 24. Horticultural therapy certification 25. Social work certification 26. Dance lessons 27. Take a cooking class 28. Start sewing my own clothes again 29. Go on a personal retreat in the mountains 30. Finally begin paying off loans

Nanette's 30 Before 30

Learn sign language Understand another language Travel somewhere outside of the US alone Go to Seminary school Get my masters Enroll in a doctorate program Invest in two stocks Read the whole bible...again Teach my students how to step Read 100 books Make a t-shirt quilt Have kids? (Maybe?) Attend 5 weddings Write 10 poems that depict what's happening in the world during that time Healthy lifestyle Forgive you Take my grandmother on a trip...she deserves it Intern(work) in Student Life Work with first generation college students (4Ps Scholars) Visit the least twice Join two special organizations.


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